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Metal Working

Many metalworking applications produce harmful dust that requires removal.

Zinc, aluminum, titanium, bronze and magnesium are metals that can produce dangerous combustible dust that puts your facility and employees at risk of harm. Donaldson Torit dust collectors can effectively extract particulate from a wide variety of metalworking applications, including buffing, sanding, deburring, and other processes.

All metalworking applications such as grinding, buffing, sanding, deburring, polishing and cutting need a quality dust collection system to keep the work environment clean and the employees safe. The majority of dust collected during metalworking contains metal particulate, grind wheel abrasives and application specific additives (compounds/rouges). Metalworking creates a dust that can be abrasive, fibrous, agglomerative or oily. Depending on the type of dust present in your facility, selecting the right combination of dust collection equipment can effectively remove it from your facility. The capture process of metalworking dust must also be properly designed. Hooding, enclosures, shrouding, direct duct connections or downdraft tables could be the answer to your nuisance metalworking dust.

The metalworking applications create very small particulates that become airborne and settle on many areas of your facility. This creates a dirty work environment but also if the metal dust is combustible it can create an explosive hazard if not dealt with. It is essential that plant leaders and employees understand the risk associated. Pollution Control Systems will provide a properly designed system to meet your individual dust and captures needs.


Health Hazards of Metalworking Dust

Metalworking dust is potentially damaging to equipment, with metal particulates capable of causing wear and mechanical damage in nearby equipment over time. However, it's also harmful to employees who remain exposed to it for long periods of time. Metal dust can cause mild to severe health problems if the proper protective measures aren't present, with effects ranging from eye irritation to lung diseases such as fibrosis.

A complete metalworking dust collection system can help remove this hazardous dust, supplementing other safety equipment intended to keep workers safe in your facility.

Combustible Metal Dust

Certain metals such as aluminum, zinc, titanium, iron carbonyl, magnesium and bronze can produce combustible dust that presents another hazard in your facility. Explosive dust can cause severe damage in your facility as well as serious injury or col-md-4 text-center death, col-md-4 text-center in weak explosions. Pollution Control Systems can help determine if your metalworking processes produce combustible dust and design a custom configuration of dust collection machines to properly remove metal particulate.

We carry several models of Donaldson Torit machinery and metal dust fittings that can effectively remove metalworking dust from your facility, including DFO cartridge collectors, downdraft benches, vibra shakes, downflow workstations, cabinet collectors, and DFE cartridge collectors. Depending on your application, we'll recommend one or more of these machines to help avoid the accumulation of combustible dust.

With this equipment installed in your facility, you'll be able to protect metalworking equipment from damage over time as well as employees, maximizing productivity and equipment longevity. Subsequently, your metalworking facility will benefit from increased efficiency, lower maintenance costs, and subsequent profitability. We can provide an on-site evaluation of your facility to help get you started with the design of a custom dust collection system.

Next Steps

Contact Pollution Control Systems today to set up a FREE evaluation so we can determine the steps to cleaner air!